ATTENDANCE NUMBER: (303) 387-2302
Parents must call to excuse an absence within 48 hours of the day missed otherwise the absence will permanently remain unexcused on record.
Please give the following information:
1. Student's name and grade, please spell the last name
2. Date and reason for absence
3. Your name and a telephone number where you can be reached
Picking your child up early?
Please call ahead to the main office (303) 387-2300, option 6 to let us know you will be picking your student up early. When you arrive, we will call your student from class. Please remember to bring your ID. Thank you!
Our school day begins at 7:30 a.m. Students will be supervised beginning at 7:25 a.m. Because class attendance is an integral part of the educational process, students are expected to be in attendance every day school is in session as required by law and Board policy. All middle school age students are required to attend public school, with some exceptions as provided by law. According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent, guardian, and legal custodian to ensure that every such child under his/her care and supervision attends school. Non attendance affects student achievement. We will handle continuous absences of students on a case by case basis; however, the district does have policies that we will follow that are aligned with state guidelines and the state law regarding school attendance. A student is considered habitually truant if the student has at least four or more unexcused absences from school or from class on four or more different days in a one month period or ten or more unexcused absences from school or from class on ten or more different days in a school year.
Excused Absences are those resulting from: temporary or extended illness; injury; family emergencies; absences excused by the principal through prior requests of parents or guardians; absences occurring as a result of the denial of admission to the schools of the school district; absences which occur when a student is in custody of a court or law enforcement authority; and, any other absence approved by the principal. Excused absences are subject to state school attendance laws.
Unexcused Absences are those absences deemed unacceptable by the principal regardless of the prior approval or knowledge of the parents. Unexcused absences include those resulting from suspensions and expulsion. Students may not receive credit for work missed due to an unexcused absence.
Students are expected to be in class on time. Students tardy to school will sign in at the main office. Four (4) tardies to school in a month will require one (1) after school detention.
In the event a student is truant from school or from assigned classes, school personnel shall make a reasonable effort to notify parents, guardians or legal custodians by phone as quickly as possible. If excessive absences interfere with a students' ability to be successful, reasonable effort shall be made to notify the parents, guardian or legal custodian so that remedial action can be taken.
Some students with unique attendance related problems may be placed on personalized "Attendance Contracts" to meet their individual needs. In these rare instances, those students will be held accountable to their contracts rather than the "General School Attendance Accountability Rules". Students with attendance that does not improve while on a contract will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) process.
Students must be in school 1/2 day (4 hours) to attend or participate in activities and/or athletics.
The purpose of a prearranged absence is to excuse, ahead of time, any student who may have a medical or another type of appointment during the school day. To communicate and excuse a partial day absence, please either call the attendance line or send a note with the student to turn into the office before the school day begins. Parents and students are encouraged to communicate partial-day absences first thing in the morning.
When communicating a partial day absence, please include:
a reason for the partial day absence
the time of requested dismissal from school
an approximate time of return from appointment, or an indication that the student will not return
students leaving school during school hours must be checked out at the security desk when leaving and check-in upon his/her return.
A parent/guardian or authorized emergency contact is the only person allowed to sign students “out” of school during school hours.
Parents may contact teachers for pre-planned absences so that the child may receive and complete assignments in advance. Please have your student pick up a pre-planned absence form from the main office and submit the form to teachers one week prior to your trip. Pre-planned absences still need to be reported to the Attendance Line as well.
Please keep in mind that a significant portion of instruction happens in the classroom and cannot be recreated through a textbook. Therefore, some homework assignments will not be appropriate to issue to the student prior to an approved extended absence.