Vision Statement: Ranch View Middle School is a positive community of learners inspired to make the world a better place through authentic and challenging learning opportunities that foster strong global awareness.
Mission Statement: Ranch View Middle School exists to provide a high-quality International Baccalaureate education that develops inquiring, caring, open-minded, and thoughtful students who demonstrate intercultural understanding and respect for all people.
School Colors: Burgundy, Navy Blue, and Silver
School Mascot: Wolf
School Motto: “The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” -Rudyard Kipling
School Hours: 7:30AM – 2:45PM
Classes: 5 core classes, 3 elective classes and an enrichment period
Bell Schedule: Click Here
Twitter: @RanchViewMS @ErinKyllo, @MrSimpsonRVMS @shelleyahyland