
Express Check-in is live!
Our Express Check-in window is live! Please go and check your student(s) in as soon as possible. Click 'Read More' if you need information on how to navigate there and get signed in.
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End of Year 2024 Video
The video of our fun-filled last days of the 2023/2024 school year is posted!
Read More about End of Year 2024 Video
Order Pictures from Lifetouch
Picture Day is August 7th for 7th graders and August 8th for 8th Graders. Click Read More for ordering information!
Read More about Order Pictures from Lifetouch
Mark Your Calendar
July 22: Online Express check-in opens, July 29: Class schedules release, August 7: First day of school and pictures for 7th graders, August 8:First day for all students and 8th grade picture day
Read More about Mark Your Calendar