Express Check-in


Express Check-in for Ranch View Middle School and the ThunderRidge Feeder Area will 'Go-Live' on Monday, July 22 . Parents must complete express check-in before the school year begins on August 7th
During check-in, parents can update their household information and health conditions, sign off on district forms, apply for a DCSD bus pass, and select and pay for optional school fees like the school yearbook.


  • You MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT to access Express Check-in.  Your Child's STUDENT PORTAL CANNOT be used to complete this process. 
  • For students who live in two households, both parents are to complete check-in.  This ensures RVMS has up-to-date information for your student.
  • Parents without a parent portal account or those who have forgotten their passwords can find instructions how to set up an account or reset their passwords HERE
  • Need help with Parent Portal?  Please email our registrar, Lisa Glenn, at [email protected] or send an email to [email protected].
  • If you would like an older sibling over the age of 18, a friend, or a relative to be able to pick up your RVMS student, you MUST identify them as an emergency contact.
  • Student Schedules are NOT available through Express Check-in.  Student Schedules will be posted on July 29 to Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portals.

Click here to Begin Check-in