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Gifted & Talented Program

Welcome to our GT pages! Here is a slideshow of frequently asked questions.

At RVMS, we offer differentiated instruction in all of our classes to address the needs of our GT students. Additionally, we have several levels of programming in math and language arts. Students are identified and qualify for these programs based on a body of evidence that includes a demonstrated need for advanced-level programming, assessment results, and recommendations. We also consider whether the student has an Advanced Learning Plan from our district or a formal identification for gifted services from another district.

We pay particular attention to the social-emotional needs of our students.  For instance, here is a slideshow on perfectionism. Many gifted people deal with perfectionism, and it can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how you are impacted by it. As part of our effort to educate students about social-emotional issues, we present this information to our students.