Sra. Miller
Hello! My name is Jeanne Miller. This is my second year at Ranch View Middle School. I hope you love it as much as I do!
I started learning Spanish in the '90's, and I haven't stopped learning! While in graduate school at CU Denver, I lived in Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico for a month. I lived with a host family and took classes in an immersion school. It was so great--I actually started dreaming and thinking in Spanish!
The World Language Department at Ranch View uses the Somos Curriculum in conjunction with traditional teaching styles. Somos is based on the Comprehensible Input teaching philosophy. It's the theory that we have better success acquiring a language as opposed to learning and memorizing it.
I strongly believe in mental and emotional health being at the forefront of everything I do. My hope is that all of my students feel comfortable in Spanish class so that they are able to be better engaged and will learn with more success.
We also talk about phonemic awareness (what the mouth is doing when we make sounds) and metacognition (how we learn and think). These two components to my teaching style, in my opinion, can be very empowering for middle schoolers.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Go Wolves!