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Parking Lot Safety

The safety of our students is a top priority for all of us. Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up are particularly critical times when parents and other drivers must be extra vigilant, keeping a close eye on students crossing the road and our parking lot.

Douglas County traffic engineers, the Douglas County School District, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Denver
Regional Council of Governments collaborate to ensure safe routes to school. We can all contribute by
following a few essential guidelines.

Drivers dropping off or picking up children should:
Use extreme caution
Drive slowly
Stay alert for children at all times
Follow parking lot rules and the designated traffic flow (see the map below)
Students walking, biking, or skating to school should:
Choose a safe route with less traffic and fewer intersections, avoiding busy or high-speed streets
whenever possible.
Be vigilant at every driveway and intersection, and watch for drivers in parked cars who may be
preparing to move.
Obey all traffic signs and signals. Use pedestrian push buttons at signals, and wait to cross the street
until it is safe. Listen to crossing guards when present, and walk—don’t run, bike, or skate—across the
Remember, it typically takes about a month for everyone to adjust to new routines. Consider carpooling to
reduce traffic, foster friendships, and ease the burden on parents. Let’s all do our part to keep our students
RVMS traffic flow