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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

What do I need to do for my child to be a part of IB at Ranch View? Is there an application process? 

  • All students who attend Ranch View participate in the Middle Years Program. It is not necessary to complete an application.

What will my child be learning? 

  • The curriculum at Ranch View will continue to follow the Douglas County School District and Colorado State Standards blending the MYP aims and objectives.  Students explore all eight subject areas every year of the programme.  These subject groups are integrated through global contexts, which provide contextual understanding and build relevance for students’ learning.   Students are required to study English language and literature, language acquisition (Spanish or French), individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, physical and health education, arts (both performing and visual), and technology/design.  Years 4 & 5 of the MYP continue at Douglas County High School where students complete an independent personal project in addition to their coursework.

How will I know how my child is doing? 

  • Your child will continue to be assessed by Ranch View teachers using the Douglas County School Districts Middle Years Grading Practices. Additionally, students will be assessed in their progress through the MYP based on criterion as defined by the International Baccalaureate and RVMS's assessment policy. 

How can I support my child's learning? 

  • The MYP sees learning as a partnership between student, parent and school. 
  • You can help your child by: 
    • Reading, watching or listening to national and international news and discussing the impact on a personal, local, or broader world. 
    • Asking your child open-ended questions encouraging him/her to think critically and allowing him to define and express his personal opinion. 
    • Encouraging and assisting your child in becoming more involved in community service activities. 
    • Modeling and reinforcing the Learner Profile attributes: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-Takers, Balanced, and Reflective. 

Are the subject area criteria and grading scales determined by Ranch View teachers or the IB?

  • IB develops all criteria and scales.  MYP teachers collaboratively develop interim objectives based on the published assess criteria for years 1, 3  (8th grade), and 5 (10thgrade) set by IB.

How are Ranch View students informed of the grading practices?

  • Ranch View has developed a comprehensive induction program for all students.  Specific lesson have been created for both 7th and 8th grade students to introduce them to MYP assessment.  At the beginning of every course, every classroom teacher extensively explains the grading practices.

How can a student interpret feedback and affect change?

  • Students will use task-specific rubric, provided by their classroom teachers, to assess their learning and identify their next steps towards additional growth.
  • Further, MYP teachers use “approaches to learning” to ensure students become reflective, life-long learners with the knowledge and skills to self-assess areas of strength and “stretches” to advance their learning.