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All athletic registrations and fee payments are to be completed online at MySchoolBucks prior to the beginning of each sport. Direct registration links will be added to each sport in the Schedules and Details section below as it becomes available. 

A current physical releasing the student to participate in interscholastic sports is also required. 
Please find the form here: Interscholastic Sports Physical Form

  • The physical must be signed/dated by a healthcare provider and remains valid for 365 days from the date of the exam.
  • The completed form MUST be turned in prior to participation in practice or competition.
  • Completed physicals can be emailed to  or faxed to 303.387.2301.  


Sport Season
Start Date
End Date
7 Co-Ed Flag Football Sept 9 Oct 10  Jul 5 Sept 9 $95
8 Co-Ed Flag Football  Sept 9 Oct 10  Jul 5 Sept 9 $95
7/8 Co-Ed Cross Country Aug 7 Sept 7  Jul 5 Aug 7 $95
8 Boys Basketball Jan 21 Feb 22 Dec 11  Jan 21 $95
7 Boys Basketball  Feb 24 Apr 5 Jan 29  Feb 24 $95
 8 Girls Basketball Oct 21 Nov 23 Sept 25  Oct 21 $95 
7 Girls Basketball Dec 2 Jan 16  Nov 6 Dec 2  $95
 7/8 Co-Ed Wrestling Oct 21  Dec 6  Sept 25 Oct 21  $95
7/8 Co-Ed Track  Apr 7 May 9  Mar 4 Apr 7 $95
Unified Basketball TBD  TBD TBD TBD $30
8 Girls Volleyball Aug 7 Sept 7  Jul 5 Aug 7 $95
7 Girls Volleyball Sept 9 Oct 10  Jul 5 Sept 9  $95

*Fees are non-refundable.

Schedules and Details

Middle School Athletics Info

1. Middle School Philosophy - We are here to provide a positive and educational experience for our student/athletes. We do this by setting a good example for our kids and never losing sight of the fact that each day is an opportunity to have a positive impact on them. We focus on teaching our student/athletes to compete in a healthy and respectful way, but not at the expense of having fun. Each student/athlete deserves every opportunity possible to play and be successful.

2. Attendance - Student/athletes are expected to be at all practices and games/meets. If they are going to miss, it is an expectation that they communicate with their coaches prior to missing the practice or competition.

3. Equipment/Uniforms - Student/athletes will be checked out a uniform/jersey. All uniforms should be washed in cold water, but never put in the dryer. Always air-dry jerseys. All jerseys should be turned back in to the coaches at the end of the sport's season. If  jerseys are lost or not returned to the school, you will be responsible for paying for a replacement jersey.

4. Game Days - All home and away games/matches begin at 4:00pm  Currently, no bus transportation is provided for DCSD Athletics. Parents are responsible for transportation of students to and from games/matches. 
5. Eligibility - Coaches will pull eligibility once a week throughout the season. If a student has a "U" in Work Habits, the student will be ineligible for the 1st competition of the following week. For example, if a student was ineligible and there are 2 competitions for the following week, the student would only miss the first of the two competitions the following week.

6. Questions - If you have questions about your student/athlete's participation in their sport, please contact your student's coach. If you have further questions after contacting your coach, you may contact:

Athletic Coordinators, Paul May,
Athletic Director, Chandler Simpson,
Athletic Secretary, Amy Ihrig,